In this file, there are couple of translated keys {{ trans('good.key1') }} {{ trans("good.key2") }} {{ trans("good.key6 with a space") }} {{ trans("admin::auth.key7") }} {{ trans("brackets/admin-ui::auth.key8") }} {{ __("Good key 3") }} {{ __("Good 'key' 4") }} {{ __(" ") }} {{ __(" ") }} {{ __('Good "key" 5') }} {{ __('Good. Key.') }} {{ __('File') }} {{ __(' Good') }} {{ __('Good') }} {{ __('Good (better)') }} {{ __(' ') }} {{ __(' ') }} But some are false positive {{ trans('bad.$key1') }} {{ trans('key2') }} {{ trans(' foo.key3') }} {{ trans('A translation can have a period. It\'s okay.') }} {{ trans("go od.key2") }} Bad patterns {{ __("Bad " . " pattern double quote 1") }} {{ __("Bad " . $a . " pattern double quote 2") }} {{ __("Bad \" pattern double quote 3") }} {{ __("Bad \" pattern double quote \" 4") }} {{ __("") }} {{ __('Bad ' . ' pattern single quote 1') }} {{ __('Bad ' . $a . ' pattern single quote 2') }} {{ __('Bad \' pattern single quote 3') }} {{ __('Bad \' pattern single quote \' 4') }} {{ __('') }}